Friday, December 28, 2012

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi, my name is Cecelia and this is my blog.

In case you were wondering.

My story resembles a Disney Channel Original Movie; An overweight, shy and unhappy wall-flower spends the first 19 years of her life as the invisible girl in a world full of Barbies and Kens. I missed almost every childhood milestone:

Prom? Nope, I had to "work" which was code for "I didn't get asked and am not going to be the one person going alone in a dress from the plus-size department."

Friday night football games? No way.

Parties? Heck no, I was far too "serious" to be busied with those juvenile affairs.

Dating? know that movie Never Been Kissed with Drew Barrymore?  I was like her much more awkward and socially inexperienced, shorter cousin.

After my freshman year of college I had my "ah-ha" moment (cue the inspirational music and bright lights). I joined Weight Watchers Online and over the next year lost 78lbs. It was far from glamorous, there were some disastrous falls from the wagon (I'm pretty sure eating six Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches in a row is not staying "on plan") and I'll be the first to admit that it was haaaaaaard (that's three syllables...because one just doesn't convey it...)

A few months later I was fortunate enough to be featured as a spokesperson/success story for the Weight Watchers Online plan. I had my own TV commercial, Internet banners and magazine ads. It was through this process that I started to realize my true passion in life: helping others struggling with the same journey I went through. I write a sponsored blog for Weight Watchers to share my story, strategies and tips for how I survived losing weight in college and maintain my weight loss without becoming a social hermit.

Losing weight is so hard, especially when you are young. I didn't want to be the only one on a "diet" or have people make fun of me. I didn't want to sacrifice my friends or social life in the pursuit of a skinnier, healthier and more fit me. So I set out to change the world's idea that you have to give up all pleasures in order to achieve these goals.

A believer in fitness for all, I've tried every exercise out there (Zumba, Pilate's, yoga, spinning, kickboxing, step, body sculpt, pole dancing, trampoline, cardio ribbon dancing) but my heart belongs to running. I love to run plain and simple.

I also take Core-Barre classes like they're Tic-Tacs.

I believe that everyone can be an athlete, that there is an exercise out there for all and that being active can fix almost anything!

I became a vegetarian when I was 20 but did not take a really vested interest in what I was putting in my body until my Senior year of college. I thought of calories, fat and carbs only. All that mattered to me was that the food I put in my mouth didn't make the numbers on the scale go up. But after really looking at the potential effects some of the ingredients had on my body, I began taking nutrition much more seriously. In doing so I also made the switch to becoming fully plant-based.

So here we go. This is my story. The tale of a coordinationally and gravitationally challenged, ridiculously awkward, yet very entertaining, weight watching, post-grad, plant based, running, fitness and nutrition fanatic.

I'm sharing it with you

Read at our own risk.

But I have delicious pumpkin recipes.

Just sayin....

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